I initially got this to murder remaining bedbugs in my home, but I've been using it on practically everything since. It's handheld, so it can get into a lot of places, and it has a number of attachments to agitate ick on different surfaces. So far, I've used it on stone, grout, carpet, and furniture (originally to kill the bedbugs that might be in the furniture, but now I use it to clean the furniture). I've used it on a leather chair, carpet, a microfiber couch, and a bed mattress, fabric-wise, and it resulted in a clean smell (or a lack of smell, rather) and did not damage any of the materials. It's potentially small enough to use on clothing as well, but I haven't tried it yet.
It is fully corded, so if you're trying to reach a place that you can't reach with a cord, you can try heating it up then unplugging it to move it to where you need it. This is tedious, though, and the heat diminishes quickly. I, personally, was using it on some carpet where a cat had peed (ew!) in an effort to steam it out of the padding underneath, and that wasn't reachable by the cord. It was a lot of back and forth. It's worth using an extension cord, if you have one, in that case.
When closing the top, it took me a second to realize that it closes and locks if you twist it close and then push down on the top and turn it till it sticks (kind of like a pill bottle). It will work just fine without that "lock," but it's probably safer if you know to do it beforehand.
The water supply lasts longer than I thought it would. The reservoir is small because it's a handheld steamer, but really, I didn't expect any different. At first, I was a total chicken and didn't fill it up all the way, but once I filled it up all the way, I was able to steam pretty much half of my (average-size) bedroom carpet (and the sides of the bed and the top of a coffee table) with one fill.
The one I got looked like it was already used, and I bought a new one as far as I remembered so I wasn't thrilled about that, but I tried it to make sure it worked and ended up keeping it (because it did work).
It's completely worth it. If you're on the fence about this one and one of the bigger sizes, don't worry about this one's efficacy because it works really well, but do think about the versatility of this vs. some of the larger ones. This one will let you get into places a larger one won't (and it's cheaper), but it won't cover large swaths of area at once, so be prepared to put in some "elbow grease."